As much as everyone loves to compare politics to football, I feel like it has become a dangerous metaphor - a) because government is not a game and b) because in football, unlike in government, it is entirely appropriate to wish for the complete and humiliating failure of the opposing team. Clearly it's an analogy from which Michael Steele has taken most of his cues on to how to lead. A more apt analogy though is not to think of Democrats and Republicans as two separate football teams, each out to force the failure of the other, but as two sides of the same football team (America). They are the offense and defense, each supporting and furthering their own interests while simultaneously supporting the interests of the overall team (America). The defense doesn't have the same exact interests as the offense, but even so it does not focus on making sure the quarterback fails because a) then no one would be focusing on producing defense and b) if the quarterback of the team fails, the whole team will most likely fail.
The Republican Party flat-out refuses to govern these days, as there are myriad examples to prove. No one is focusing on pushing through a true conservative agenda, only on destroying those leaders who really do want to govern and support the overall growth of the country. Where are the leaders of the Republican Party who object to this type of gamesmanship; who actually want to stop playing games and help govern? Isn’t there anyone in the party who is willing to stand up and admit this strategy is misguided and irresponsible by now? Is there someone willing to justify this man's leadership position in American government? Anyone?