Therefore... I strongly encourage everyone to get in touch with me if you are interested in being an in-person or phone/skype/facetime guest. Possible discussion topics include:
- comedy
- pop culture/current events
- happenings you have happening
- politics
- tech (I just learned how to code!)
- health & wellness
- marketing
- spirituality
- space
- ghost stories
- advice
- weed vs alcohol
- your new venture
- your old venture
- your life story
- life in general
- my terrible love life
- what i’m eating for dinner tonight (my mother said she’ll be calling in)
- how we met
- that time we hung out and something funny happened
- how ridiculous it is of me to be starting a podcast (whatever, it’ll be fun!)
- anything
So, please like this page and mark your calendars/set your reminders for Wednesdays at 4-6pm Pacific time for The Audra Show! Yay!