The most ridiculous part about the birther conspiracy - and in turn the state of the Republican Party - is where they most likely came up with the idea. John McCain's citizenship was questioned during his 2008 presidential run. The only difference is that in McCain's case, the claim actually had enough credibility to be reviewed by the Senate. He was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which at the time was under the aegis of the US, on a US military base, to 2 US citizens. Therefore, the US Senate declared him a natural-born citizen, eligible to be President of the United States. Case closed.
Hawaii became a state in 1959. A state. Not a zone, not a military base. A state. Obama was born there in 1961. I don’t even want to get distracted here by the hard evidence that completely refutes this theory, or the much-speculated motives of racism and republicanism which underlie it. They’ve been covered to death already. I just wanted to remove any and all last shreds of credibility by stating that these conspiracy theorists don’t even have enough intelligence to come up with the idea themselves. I say if you’re going to spread a conspiracy theory, at least come up with an original idea - and preferably one that cannot be summarily dismissed in under 3 minutes using facts. Otherwise, here’s a good one if Obama wins again in 2012: accuse of resigning in the middle of his first term.